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Trusting The Process

This might sound backward…

You have done so much work, including learning to accept and love other people and
yourself for who you are.

Now we are asking you to let it all go and just relax, be patient, and trust. You might think
that we completely lost it…

Look at it logically, if you are entirely clear on what you desire and have done your
homework sending out your dream, then there are immeasurable energies working on it,

to later send it back to you. This time in between you have to wait patiently.

It is like putting an ad in the newspaper; you don’t know exactly the effect this will have,
but you know that the energy is working in your direction. Now you need to wait for it to
come back, and let go of the attachment to how it comes back. You can trust in that it will
come at the perfect time and in a perfect way.

Be patient, remember to take every step as it comes and to
trust that the next step will appear

If you like to dig deeper into the knowledge, our 8 step
FREE “Live Your Dream” course is waiting for you.